Bring Joy to Learning

Sterne's Program for Grades 4-5

Sterne offers our youngest learners a highly supportive, engaging, and joyful learning environment. Students are seen and understood by our team of highly-trained, compassionate, and enthusiastic teachers who see them through a strengths-based lens. Our approach takes into account the whole student: their unique learning profile, their strengths and interests, areas where they may need more focused attention. We group students according to the type of learning support they require, so we can engage students at their instructional level in each discipline and offer integrated support whenever needed.

Explore the Lower School here on the site, and when you are ready to learn more, submit an inquiry.

The Pillars of our program:

  • Small class sizes with caring teachers who have the tools and training to support dyslexia, ADHD, and executive functioning in the classroom
  • Learning Specialist support in academic subjects and small-group instruction when appropriate
  • Right-fit instructional groupings and highly differentiated classroom experience
  • Hands-on, project-based learning
  • Homeroom at beginning and end of each day for executive functioning support
  • Specialized electives: maker, digital film, music, drama, studio art, and P.E.
  • Competency-based social-emotional learning program
  • Rich student life: movie socials, spirit weeks, clubs, Experiential Week, Expedition Days, and more!


Lower & Middle School Brochure